Motion Reel
LA in Color
Motion Design
The brief for this project was to create a piece of design demonstrating how color can be used to overcome voices of division and unite people within the context of California. I chose to focus on the Black artists of California as an example of color's galvanizing power. The long overlooked community of black artists in Los Angeles has been responsible for some of the most exciting American art of the past hundred years. With only one week to execute the piece I was forced to make fast choices, ultimately leading to a highly expressive piece.
LA in Color
Motion Design
The piece is deliberately heavy handed with its message that racism robs the world of its color. I chose to present a clear dichotomy in order to effectively communicate the message in a short amount of time. Images of Los Angeles' racist past present a bleak and greyscale vision of the City. When color is introduced with the artists in the second half of the piece it provides an intense feeling of relief and demonstrates the immensity of these artists' contributions the world.